Apple Stock Prediction 2025, 2026, 2030

Apple Stock Prediction 2025, 2026, 2030

  • The price prediction of Apple Stock looks bullish in the long term.
  • The average price level of Apple stock can reach $234.72 in 2025.
  • The maximum price level of Apple stock can reach $283.41 in 2025.
  • Apple Stock can reach the target of $500 in 2030.

Apple is one of the best-performing technology stocks in the market. If you’re looking for the price prediction of Apple stock in the long term, this analysis can be helpful for you. Our prediction is based on a deep technical analysis and the current performance of Apple stock. We have also used an AI algorithm to predict the future of Apple stock.

Apple stock prediction

Year Minimum Price Average Price Maximum Price
2024 $237.46 $264.72 $283.41
2025 $267.09 $284.53 $302.24
2026 $284.16 $326.37 $354.71
2027 $338.25 $367.12 $416.36
2028 $402.17 $432.28 $464.57
2029 $459.26 $487.65 $513.61
2030 $492.08 $526.79 $559.83
2035 $642.39 $676.63 $705.32


Apple stock prediction 2025

The performance of Apple can be bullish in 2025. The average price of Apple stock can reach $264.72 in 2025. If current growth continues, our maximum prediction for Apple is $283.41 in 2025. The minimum price level of Apple can be around $237.46 if the market turns bearish. However, if the market gets bullish, Apple may surge more than our prediction in 2025.

Apple stock prediction 2026

As per our Apple prediction, their prices can hit a new ATH level this year. If the market performs as per our calculation the maximum value of Apple may touch $302.24 in 2026. The year 2026 can end with an average value of $284.53 in 2026. However, if the market turns bearish, the minimum value of Apple can be traded at around $267.09.

Apple stock prediction 2027

Apple prices may soar and cross the last ATH this year. As per our price prediction, the average value of Apple stock can be around $367.12. While the minimum value of AAPL can be around $338.25. If the market sees some good movement the value of AAPL may skyrocket and surpass most price predictions. As per our calculation, the maximum value of AAPL stock can be around $416.36.

Apple stock prediction 2028

Apple is a promising tech giant in its segment and has the potential to touch great highs in the long term. As per our price prediction, the average value of AAPL stock can be around $432.28 in 2028. If the market turns bullish the maximum price of Apple stock may touch $464.57. However, if the market doesn’t perform as per our expectation the minimum price of AAPL stock can be around $402.17.

Apple stock prediction 2029

Apple can be a profitable investment in the long term. As per our prediction, the maximum value of AAPL stocks can be around $513.61. The average value of Apple can be around $487.65 if everything goes as per our calculations. However, if the market sees bearish events the minimum value of AAPL stock can be down up to $459.26. If more investors are attracted to Apple in between these years the value of Apple can be much higher in 2027 than our prediction.

Apple stock prediction 2030

Apple stock can give great returns if you can hold it till 2030. As per our long-term AAPL stock prediction, their value can hit a new ATH level this year. In 2030, we may expect an average value of $526.79 for Apple. If the market gets bullish, Apple may surge more than our prediction. The maximum value of Apple can be around $559.83 in 2030. However, the minimum value of Apple can be around $492.02 if the market turns bearish.

Apple stock prediction 2035

It’s not easy to make long-term predictions, so we shall calculate with the current performance. As per our prediction, the average value of Apple stock can be around $558.21 in 2035. The year can end with a maximum value of $580.26 if there is any bullish event. However, if a bearish environment continues in the market the minimum value of AAPL stock can be around $534.18 in 2035.

Is Apple a good stock to buy?

Apple stock has a great past and it has grown every year if we measure its past 10 years of performance. The investors have made great profits by holding Apple stock it in the long term. Apple is one of the most promising companies in its segment that can surprise its investors.

As per our prediction, the long-term investment in Apple stock appears to be a good option to consider. However, stock predictions are not always accurate. If you are a smart investor and believe in making long-term investments, Apple can be a great choice. Before making any investment decision in Apple or any other stock proper risk management is suggested.

Will Apple stock reach $500?

Apple stocks have already crossed $260 in 2024. If we measure the current performance, we can say that Apple has the potential to reach the target of $500. As per our long-term prediction, Apple is not going to touch the target of $500 very soon. However, Apple stock can reach its target of $500 between 2027 to 2030.

As we have seen in the past, a great bull run or bear rally can destroy all the stock predictions in seconds so it’s not easy to say that the predictions can be accurate. If more investors are attracted to Apple stocks and pump their investment, the value of Apple can skyrocket and it may hit the target of $500 before our prediction.


What is the latest price target for Apple?

Many analysts in the market have given different price targets for Apple (AAPL) stock. The latest average price target for Apple (AAPL) is $250.24.

Will Apple skyrocket?

It’s not easy to predict the accurate price behavior of Apple or any other stock. However, Apple is one of the most trusted stocks in the current market and in the stock market, nothing is impossible. The current market sentiments look bullish and Apple stock can skyrocket at any time this year.

Will Apple crash?

The financial health of Apple is top-notch and it is one of the largest companies in the world by the market cap. According to some market analysts along with other tech stocks, Apple stock will hardly crash. As per the current market situation, Apple stock is showing strong bullish signals, so it’s unlikely to crash.

Where will Apple be in 5 years?

The long-term prediction for Apple looks bullish but the actual value of AAPL stock in five years depends on many factors like the company’s financial performance, demand, and supply of Apple products. As per our price prediction, the maximum price level of Apple can be between $400 to $500 in the next 5 years, if current growth continues.

Where will Apple be in 10 years?

If we measure the current performance of Apple and the current market situation the long-term prediction of Apple stock looks bullish. The market movement can be positive in the upcoming months. If the current performance continues, Apple will cross $800 in the next 10 years.

Is Apple a good long-term investment?

A long-term investment in Apple stocks looks profitable. As we have measured the performance of Apple year by year it has gained continuously. If Apple products attract more customers or more investors are attracted to the AAPL stock the value of Apple stocks may skyrocket in upcoming years.

Is Apple stock undervalued?

Many market analysts think Apple stock is currently undervalued by 40%. The main reason behind this assumption is the financial health and market cap of Apple which is huge but the stock value looks quite low.