VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2025, 2030, 2040

VTHO Price Prediction 2022, 2023, 2025, 2030

  • The price prediction of VeThor (VTHO) Coin looks bullish in the long term.
  • The average price of VTHO Coin can reach $0.018 in 2024.
  • VTHO can reach the maximum price level of $0.043 in 2025.
  • The average price of VTHO can reach around $3.38 in 2030.

VTHO is a trending crypto project in the market. If you’re looking for the VeThor price prediction or finding the potential of the VTHO Coin, this long-term analysis can be helpful for you. Our prediction is based on a deep technical analysis and the current performance of VTHO Coin. We have also used an AI algorithm to predict the future of VTHO Coin.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction

year Minimum Price Average Price Maximum Price
2025 $0.0085 $0.018 $0.043
2026 $0.045 $0.074 $0.16
2027 $0.17 $0.38 $0.73
2028 $0.76 $1.12 $1.49
2029 $1.52 $1.85 $2.54
2030 $2.67 $3.38 $4.51
2035 $9.21 $12.45 $14.06
2040 $26.91 $30.21 $34.43

Disclaimer: This price prediction is not investment advice. Our content is for information purposes only and can be speculative. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile assets that can change their price direction at any time. There is no concrete method to track the behavior of cryptocurrencies. Before making an investment decision do your proper research or take guidance from a registered financial advisor.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2025

The average price level of VTHO Token can reach $0.018 by 2025. As per our price analysis, VTHO Coin’s value can hit a new ATH level this year if the current pumping continues. Our maximum price prediction for VTHO Coin is $0.043 for 2025. If the market turns bearish, the minimum price level of VTHO Coin can be around $0.0085 in 2025. However, if the market turns bullish, VTHO Coin may surge more than our prediction in 2025.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2026

VTHO Token is pumping in the bull season of 2026. The average price level of VTHO Coin can reach $0.074 in 2026. As per our prediction, the maximum price of VTHO Coin can reach $0.16 in 2026 if the current growth continues. However, if the market is bearish, the minimum price level of VTHO Coin can be around $0.045 in 2026. If the market pumping continues VTHO Token may reach the target of $0.5 this year.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2028

As per our price prediction, the average price of VTHO Coin can reach $1.12 in 2028. If more investors are attracted to the project the prices of VTHO Coin can be much higher than our prediction. The maximum price of VTHO Coin can reach $1.49 in 2028 if the current growth continues. However, the minimum price value of VTHO Coin can reach around $0.76 in 2028 if the market turns bearish.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2030

The average price level of the VTHO Token can reach $3.38 in 2030. Along with the VTHO Coin, many cryptos can hit their new all-time high this year. The maximum price of VTHO Token can reach around $4.51 in 2030. If there is a bull rally in 2030 the prices of VTHO Coin may skyrocket and surpass our prediction. However, the minimum price value of the VTHO Coin can be around $2.87 in 2030 if the market turns bearish.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2035

The average price of VTHO Coin can reach $12.45 in 2035 if current growth continues. VTHO Coin may surge more than our long-term price prediction this year if the market sees a bullish season. As per our price prediction, VTHO Coin can reach a maximum price level of $14.06 by 2035. However, if there is a bearish trend in the market, the minimum price of a VTHO Coin can be down up to $9.21 in 2035.

VeThor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2040

VTHO Coin has great potential if you’re going to hold it for the long term. As per our long-term price forecast, the VTHO Coin prices can hit a new ATH level this year. In 2040, we may expect an average price of $30.21 depending upon the market trend. Our maximum price prediction for VTHO Coin is $34.43 in 2040. If the market gets bullish, the VTHO Coin may surge more than our VTHO Coin price forecast in 2040. The minimum price level of VTHO Coin can be around $26.91 if the market gets bearish.

Fundamental Analysis of VeThor Token (VTHO)

Coin Name VeThor Token
Symbol VTHO
Total Supply 85.33B VTHO
Official website
Based on Vechain Blockchain
Launched year 2018
All-time high $0.042 (Aug 01, 2018)
Exchange Platform Binance, Coinbase,, Bitmart.
Wallet VechainThor Wallet
  • VTHO is one of the two tokens that power the VeChainThor blockchain, one is VTHO and the other is VET. VeChain is developed for building and running enterprise apps.
  • VeChain’s technology is being adopted in the supply chain sector to speed up and make processes more efficient.
  • The main purpose of VeThor Token is to reward authority master nodes who maintain integrity and contribute to the Vechain ecosystem.
  • The 30% of VTHO tokens used in transactions will be utilized by the distributed user who produces the Blocks and other remaining supplies will be burned.

How to invest in VTHO Coin?

As an emerging crypto project, you should not face difficulty in finding a VTHO Coin. Many crypto trading platforms have recently listed VTHO Coin for public trading. If you want to buy VTHO Coin, the top crypto exchanges are currently:

  • Binance
  • Coinbase
  • MEXC
  • CoinEx
  • Bitmart

Many local trading exchanges are offering VTHO tokens for public trading. By signing up on such platforms you can easily add VTHO Coin to your crypto portfolio. You may also check with your local exchanges to find VTHO. Apart from the price prediction of VTHO Coin, we suggest our readers conduct the maximum possible research before making any investment in Vethor or any other crypto.


What is VeThor Token?

VeThor Token (VTHO) is the native token of the VeChain project. VTHO plays an essential role in the overall functionality of the blockchain. The VeThor Token is a VIP-180 Standard token, representing the cost of using the VeChainThor blockchain. The primary purpose of the VTHO token is to facilitate processes and transactions on the blockchain.

Is VTHO Coin a good investment?

The current year’s performance analysis shows that the VTHO Coin is showing slow growth. However, the VTHO Coin is one of the fastest-growing projects that have a strong community. As per our price analysis, the long-term investment in VTHO Coin appears to be a good option. However, before making any investment decision do your proper risk management.

Will VTHO Coin reach $1?

As per our long-term prediction, VTHO Coin may hit the target of $1 between 2026 and 2028 if current growth continues. If more investors are attracted to the project the price of the VTHO Coin can skyrocket and it may hit its $1 target before our prediction.

Will VTHO Coin reach $10?

If we measure the current performance, VTHO Coin will hardly reach the target of $10 this decade. However, if the current growth continues, VTHO Token may reach the target of $10 between 2030 and 2035.

Will VTHO Coin reach $100?

With the current market performance, it doesn’t look possible for VTHO Token to reach the target of $100. However, if the VTHO Token skyrockets, we may update our prediction analysis.

Is VTHO Coin a pump and dump?

In the recent bearish events, VTHO Coin has lost its value by 70% and again risen by 112% in the latest bullish season. VTHO Coin often pumps the same dump but it’s normal in the crypto market. VTHO Coin has the support of its community which makes VTHO Coin a powerful project. As we have seen on many crypto forums, VTHO Coin is in the market for the long term. It doesn’t look like a pump-and-dump scheme.

Does VTHO Coin have a future?

VTHO token has a great number of investors worldwide. Just after a few months of launch, VTHO Coin has gained the huge attention of the crypto community that has now 1 lac plus holders. VTHO Coin has undoubtedly a great future that has the backing of a dedicated community. However, it’s not easy to predict an accurate future of cryptos as all are extremely volatile.

Is VTHO Coin legit?

VTHO Coin is legit in the same way as other cryptos. While many crypto analysts doubt the legitimacy of new cryptos VTHO Coin is an old project that has gained enough numbers of holders. As we found through CoinMarketCap VTHO Coin can be found on some of the most trusted exchanges, so we can say that VTHO Coin is legit.

Is VTHO Coin worth buying?

If you’re looking for big gains, it depends upon which type of investment you choose, for the long term or the short one. Many crypto experts have suggested that VTHO Coin’s value will grow in the long term. By the holding pattern and community response, the VTHO Coin looks good in the long term. However, never forget that there is always some risk to crypto investment.

Where will be VTHO Coin in 2030?

The price prediction of VTHO Coin looks bullish for the next 10 years. If the current performance continues, VTHO Coin may cross $1 in 2030. If more investors are attracted to the project the prices of VTHO Coin can skyrocket in upcoming years.