- The long-term price prediction of Kishu Inu Coin looks bullish.
- The average price of Kishu Inu Coin can be around $0.000000000932 in 2025.
- Kishu Inu Coin can reach the maximum price level of $0.00000000291 in 2025.
- The average price of Kishu Inu Coin can be around $0.0000000184 in 2030.
Kishu Inu is one of the fastest-growing meme coins in the market. If you’re finding Kishu Inu Coin price prediction, this long-term analysis can be helpful for you. Our price prediction is based on a deep technical analysis and the current performance of the Kishu Inu. We have also used an AI algorithm to predict the future of KISHU.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction
Year | Minimum Price | Average Price | Maximum Price |
2025 | $0.000000000951 | $0.00000000201 | $0.00000000313 |
2026 | $0.00000000298 | $0.00000000371 | $0.00000000414 |
2027 | $0.00000000419 | $0.00000000469 | $0.00000000585 |
2028 | $0.00000000586 | $0.00000000671 | $0.00000000862 |
2029 | $0.00000000873 | $0.00000000959 | $0.0000000106 |
2030 | $0.0000000109 | $0.0000000184 | $0.0000000232 |
2035 | $0.0000000614 | $0.0000000772 | $0.0000000831 |
2040 | $0.000000254 | $0.000000329 | $0.000000395 |
2050 | $0.0000145 | $0.0000204 | $0.0000342 |
Disclaimer: This price prediction is not investment advice. Our content is for information purposes only and can be speculative. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile assets that can change their price direction at any time. There is no concrete method to track the behavior of cryptocurrencies. Before making an investment decision do your proper research or take guidance from a registered financial advisor.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2025
The average price of Kishu Inu can be around $0.00000000201 in 2025 if current growth continues. As per our analysis, the KISHU Inu coin can hit the minimum price level of $0.000000000951 in 2025 if the market turns bearish. However, the maximum price of KISHU Coin can go up to $0.00000000313 in 2025. It looks like if the market performs well, maybe KISHU can go higher than our price forecast in 2025. Kishu Inu’s growth can be continued if more investors are attracted to the project.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2026
The average price of KISHU Inu can be around $0.00000000371 in 2026. If the market recovers the value of Kishu Inu may skyrocket this year. Meme coin often fluctuates more than 50% so it’s extremely unpredictable to guess their future. The maximum price of KISHU Inu can be around $0.00000000414 in 2026 if the market gets bullish. As per our price prediction, the minimum price level of KISHU can be around $0.00000000298 in 2026.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2030
This year can be a changing year for the crypto market, so for the KISHU Inu Coin. As per some analysts, many new meme coins are going to finish some more zeroes in 2030. However, for KISHU Inu Coin, our price maximum price prediction is $0.0000000232 with an average price level of $0.0000000184. While the minimum price of Kishu Inu can go up to $$0.0000000109. If there is any bull rally in the crypto market, the KISHU Coin may reach more highs than our predicted data.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2035
The average price of Kishu Inu Coin can be around $0.0000000772 in 2035. As per our price prediction, Kishu Inu can reach a maximum price level of $0.0000000831 in 2035. If there is a bull rally in the market, the prices of Kishu Inu may surge more than our prediction. However, if there is a bearish trend in the market, the minimum price of the Kishu Inu Coin can be down to $0.0000000614 in 2035.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2040
As per our long-term prediction, the average price of Kishu Inu Coin can be around $0.000000329 in 2040 if current growth continues. The Kishu Inu Coin prices can hit a new ATH level this year. Our maximum price prediction for Kishu Inu Coin is $0.000000395 in 2040. However, the minimum price level of Kishu Inu Coin can be around $0.000000254 in 2040. If the market gets bullish, the Kishu Inu Coin may surge more than our price prediction in 2040.
Kishu Inu Coin Price Prediction 2050
The average price of Kishu Inu can be around $0.0000204 in 2050. Kishu Inu Coin has great potential if you’re going to hold it for the long term. Along with Kishu Inu Coin, many meme tokens can hit their new all-time high this year. The maximum price of Kishu Inu is expected to be trading around $0.0000342 in 2050. If there is a bull rally in 2050 the prices of Kishu Inu Coin may skyrocket and surpass our price prediction. However, if the market turns down, the minimum price of Kishu Inu can be around $0.0000145 in 2050.
Will Kishu Inu reach 1 Cent ($0.01)?
The Kishu Inu coin performed well after the launch but now like other meme coins, it is also struggling to save its position. If you are expecting a target of 1 Cent or $0.01 with KISHU, you need to know that Kishu Inu Coin has an extremely high token supply. Technically Kishu Inu can’t touch the target of 1 Cent.
Usually, the tokens with high supply don’t touch 1 cent because that simply exceeds the total money supply in the world. As per the current supply of Kishu, the price of this meme coin can reach $0.01 before 2050 but only after the 90% supply needs to be burned. Without burning enough amounts of tokens Kishu will hardly finish more zeroes.
About Kishu Inu (KISHU) Project
Coin Name | Kishu Inu |
Coin Symbol | KISHU |
Total Supply | 100,000 Trillion KISHU |
Official website | kishu.com |
Based on | Meme |
Launched year | 2021 |
All-time high | $0.00000002 (14 May 2021) |
Exchanges | OKX, Gate.io, CoinEx, NovaDAX. |
Wallet | Metamask, Trust Wallet |
- The Kishu Inu is a meme token like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin which has no value or expectation of return.
- Within the first month of its launch, KISHU made history by surpassing a $33 million market cap and over 100,000 holders.
- This was an unprecedented milestone for a meme-based crypto project. The KISHU Holders call its success ‘the meme coin with a vision.’
Kishu Inu is a friend of Shiba Inu with a similar aim with a tagline “little meme, and a big dream.” As mentioned on the official website, Kishu Inu Coin is a community-focused crypto project backed by a decentralized network. KISHU Team has also introduced holders to next-gen concepts such as participation rewards, NFTs, decentralized exchanges, and more.
Is Kishu Inu a good investment?
The crypto market is full of meme coins and it’s hard to decide which one can be 10X or 100X. According to market experts, Kishu Inu Coin is going to hit the floor in the long term like SHIB and Dogecoin. Kishu team is also launching many initiatives to add value to the token. If you’re interested in penny cryptos, Kishu Inu can be a good investment. As meme coins are pumping this year, it looks like KISHU Inu will continue to grow with other meme tokens.
After technical analysis and current pumping, we can say that Kishu Inu Coin’s value is expected to continue to expand. However, never forget that there is always some risk to crypto investments. The Kishu Inu coin is a new meme token so it can be more risky. A risk analysis is essential before making an investment decision.
How to buy Kishu Inu Coin?
Kishu Inu Coin is one of the most popular meme tokens in the market. You will not face difficulty in finding Kishu Coin. Recently, many crypto exchanges have listed Kishu Inu Coin for public trading. If you want to buy Kishu Inu Coin, the top crypto exchanges are currently:
- Gate.io
- CoinEx
- LaToken
- Uniswap V2
- Poloniex
- NovaDAX
When Binance will list Kishu Inu?
The new listings always help meme tokens increase their value and adoption in the market. Recently Kishu Inu Coin got listed by many crypto exchanges. Including some big names in the crypto market like OKX and Gate.io. However, the Kishu Inu is not listed on Binance or Coinbase yet.
Many crypto traders are asking whether Binance will list Kishu Inu or not. Currently, there is no official announcement from Binance on the listing of Kishu Inu. Nor Binance has given any signal on the listing of Kishu Inu. The Kishu team has also launched a campaign to list Kishu on Binance.
Is Kishu Inu a Pump and Dump?
Since its launching date, the KISHU coin has shown extensive growth in the crypto market. There are approximately 2.5 lac holders of KISHU Inu Coin and in the upcoming time, this number can increase. However, KISHU Inu is a new coin in the market so it’s normal to behave like a pump and dump.
As we have seen on many crypto forums and Twitter, KISHU is in the market for the long term. The KISHU Inu developers team and the KISHU army are doing a great job promoting the KISHU Coin in the crypto domain. Due to the effort of the community, KISHU Inu prices can skyrocket in upcoming years. However, we need to wait some more months to predict the future of the KISHU coin.
Is KISHU Inu Coin a scam?
If it comes to security or scam, we need to check every detail of crypto projects. By the number of holders and project support, the KISHU Inu coin looks strong. However, it’s not easy to say when a crypto comes out as a scam. A risk analysis is essential before making an investment decision in Kishu Inu or any other meme coin.
What does KISHNU Inu Coin do?
Kishnu Inu token is one of the decentralized meme tokens through NFT gaming Projects and provides a community reward. The coins aim to increase the engaged community which helps maintain long-term valuation.
Is Kishu Inu Coin dead?
Kishu Inu Coin is again pumping and investors are increasing in this meem token. As we can see from the price movement it doesn’t look like Kishu Inu is dead.
How popular is Kishu Inu?
This project started last month and it starts on back date April 17, 2021, under the guidance of developers. After launching in the first month it raised $2 billion .
Will Kishu Inu Coin reach $1?
Kishu Inu can’t reach the target of $1 because of the high token supply.
Where will be Kishu Inu in 2025?
Kishu Inu can finish some more zeroes and reach $0.00000000291in 2025.
What is the price prediction of Kishu Inu for 2030?
Kishu Inu can reach $0.0000000232 in 2030.
How many holders of Kishu Inu?
Kishu Inu has 263,122 plus holders (Source: Etherscan)
How to buy Kishu Inu in the USA?
USA crypto users can buy Kishu Inu by opening an account on MEXC. As we find MEXC exchange works in the USA and it has listed Kishu Inu Coin for public trading.