- The price prediction of Polygon (POL) looks bullish in the long term.
- POL Token can reach an average price level of $1.68 in 2025.
- The maximum price of POL Token can be around $2.19 in 2025.
- POL can hit the target of $10 in 2028.
If you’re looking for the price prediction of Polygon or POL Coin in the long term, this analysis can be helpful for you. Our prediction is based on our deep technical analysis and the current performance of Polygon. We have also taken the help of AI algorithms to predict the future of POL Token.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction
Year | Minimum Price | Average Price | Maximum Price |
2025 | $0.78 | $1.68 | $2.19 |
2026 | $2.24 | $3.53 | $4.41 |
2027 | $4.48 | $6.05 | $7.23 |
2028 | $7.32 | $8.49 | $9.86 |
2029 | $10.04 | $12.57 | $13.21 |
2030 | $13.35 | $15.12 | $17.34 |
2035 | $29.64 | $30.73 | $31.12 |
2040 | $42.56 | $46.74 | $50.89 |
Disclaimer: This price prediction is not investment advice. Our content is for information purposes only and can be speculative. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile assets that can change their price direction anytime. There is no concrete method to track the behavior of cryptocurrencies. Before making an investment decision do your proper research or take guidance from a registered financial advisor.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2025
Polygon can become more valuable by 2025. The average price of Polygon Coin can be around $1.68 in 2024 if current performance continues. If the market gets bullish the maximum price of Polygon could be up to $2.19 in 2025. However, if the market turns down, the minimum price of Polygon can be around $0.78 in 2025. If there is a bull rally in 2025, the value of the Polygon coin may break all its previous records and touch a new high.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2026
The average price of Polygon can reach $3.53 in 2026. POL token may create a new ATH level in 2026 if the market sees some good movements. Polygon can reach a maximum price level of $4.41 by the end of 2026 if current growth continues. However, the minimum price of Polygon can reach $2.24 in 2026 if the market goes down. However, if current pumping continues, the value of POL may surge more than our price prediction.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2028
As per our price prediction, the average price of POL can reach $8.49 in 2028. After such a long journey, along with Polygon, many cryptos can hit their new all-time high this year. The maximum price of a Polygon token can be around $9.86 in 2028. If more investors are attracted to Polygon in between these years the prices of Polygon can be much higher in 2028 than our prediction. However, if the market turns bearish, the minimum price of a POL token can reach $7.32 in 2028.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2030
Polygon can be the top-10 cryptocurrency by the market cap by 2030. The average price of POL can be around $15.12 in 2030. According to some market analysts. 2030 can be a changing year for the cryptos. As per our price prediction, POL can reach a maximum price level of $17.34 in 2030. If Polygon starts new initiatives, the prices of POL Token can skyrocket in 2030. However, if the market turns bearish minimum price level of Polygon can be around $13.35 in 2030.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2035
As per our price prediction, the average price of a Polygon can be around $30.73 in 2035. However, it’s not easy to make long-term price predictions, here we will calculate as per the current growth. Polygon can reach a maximum price level of $31.12 this year. If there is any bearish trend the minimum price of a POL token can be down up to $29.64 in 2035.
Polygon (POL) Price Prediction 2040
The average price of POL can be around $46.74 in 2040. As per our long-term price forecast, Polygon prices can hit a new ATH level this year. Our maximum price prediction for Polygon is $50.89 in 2040 if the current growth continues. However, if the market gets bullish, POL may surge more than our price forecast in 2040. However, the minimum price level of Polygon can be around $42.56 if the market gets bearish.
Fundamental Analysis of Polygon (POL)
Coin name | Polygon |
Coin Symbol | POL |
Total Supply | 10,256,272,646 POL |
Website | polygon.technology |
Based on | Web3, ZK Tech |
Launched year | 2019 |
All-time high | $1.29 |
Exchange Platform | Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Binance, HTX, OKX. |
Wallet | Ledger, Atomic Wallet, Trust Wallet |
- Powered by ZK tech, Polygon is dedicated to creating emerging technologies for the blockchain ecosystem.
- By using Polygon, developers can scale dApps faster and more efficiently in the Ethereum ecosystem.
- The Polygon project is supported and funded by Binance Labs and Coinbase Ventures.
- The POL token plays a crucial role in facilitating a wide range of operations and services across the Polygon ecosystem.
How to buy Polygon (POL)?
Polygon is today one of the most popular altcoins in the market. Today, Polygon can be found on almost every popular crypto exchange. If you want to add Polygon to your crypto portfolio, the top crypto trading platforms are:
- Coinbase
- Binance
- Kraken
- Gemini
- Bitstamp
- Bitfinex
- Bithumb
- Bittrex
You need to check out your local crypto exchanges to find out about Polygon which may have listed POL Token for the trading. Apart from the price prediction of POL Token, we suggest our readers conduct the maximum possible research before making any investment decision in Polygon or any other crypto.
Is POL Token a good investment?
Polygon is a popular project in the market and some crypto analysts believe that it has the potential to compete with some big players like Ethereum and Solana. As per our analysis, there is a considerably higher chance that the price of POL Token will hit $1 in the next few months or even higher. However, Polygon carries the same amount of volatility as other cryptos.
Is Polygon an Indian company?
Polygon (formerly) is a blockchain company based in India. The company was started by four Mumbai-based software engineers Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Narwal, Anurag Arjun, and Mihailo Bjelic. After 2021, they changed the brand name to Polygon Technology. The MATIC token will also rebranded as POL Token in 2024.
Will POL Token reach $1?
POL Token has the potential to hit the target of $1. However, if you’re looking for a short-term target, it doesn’t look possible that POL will reach $1 very soon. As per our price analysis, POL Token can touch the target of $1 before ending of this decade.
Will POL Token reach $10?
The POL Token may hit the target of $10 in the next 5 years. If you’re looking for the $10 target in the short term, there is no signal that the POL will reach $10 next year. However, if the market sees some good movements the POL token may reach the target of $10 before our prediction.
Can Polygon reach $100?
As per the current performance, the target of $100 doesn’t look possible for POL Token. If Polygon gets huge investment or adoption by big firms, it may reach the target of $100 in the next decades.
Where will POL Token be in 2030?
Polygon is today’s top-20 crypto project by market cap and in 2030 it can become one of the top crypto projects in the market. If the current performance continues, the POL may hit the target of $20 in 2030. If more investors are attracted to the Polygon project the prices of POL Token can skyrocket and surpass our prediction this year.